Wednesday, April 2, 2008

0-1 (L3-2 to NYY)...But some postives

Even though they started the season with a loss, and wit some questionable strikes being called against (Overbay in the 9th)... there were a lot of positives:

Corky Hill was just shellacking the ball, and although they did not fall in (mostly because of Melky stalwart effort), hitting the ball on the nose like that shows he had made teh leap to stand-out second baseman. I know that one game a season makes, so while the Jays are destined to be 0-162, I can appreciate the hitting.

The speed: 3-3 om steals, not too bad...Marco Sca-taro (according to Gibber) is quite quick and Rios should steal 30.

All positives signs exceot for Wells looking lost at he plate.

On to game two "Nails" on the Mound: